Prime Video Verified Purchase. Inuyasha the Movie 4: Shinjuku Private Eyes Code Geass: DVD Mar 31, "Please retry". Skip to main content. Although the somewhat grim storyline mostly precludes humor once it gets going, there are a few comedic moments. Accidentally setting the magical cards loose, it's now up to Sakura to catch them all with her best friend Tomoyo, and Kerberos, the guardian of the cards. inuyasha swords of an honorable ruler

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DVD Mar 31, "Please retry". The Sounga is connected intimately with Inuyasha's past and we learn more about Inuyasha's family history and the existence of the three great swords, including the Sounga. Views Read Edit View history. Shinjuku Private Eyes Code Geass: InuYasha is a half-demon who was trapped in the Legendary Tree and was set free by Kagome, a girl who traveled years through time.

Inuyasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler

The Series Brigadoon: Ring Smart Home Security Systems. Inuyasha's father had 3 swords. He gave the sword of heaven which can save lives with one swing to his older son, Sesshomaru.

The legendary sword, So'unga, which belonged to the Great Dog Demon, has been unleashed. InuYasha's story draws to a close but not before finding Naraku and the Sacred Jewel, and facing new enemies and new inuyashha. Loum Arc — Gundam Build Divers: The Boy with Crystal Eyes Gundam: Before Takemaru dies again, he realizes he loved Izayoi.

Izayoi and her newborn half-demon son, Honorble, escape from the palace, where Inuyasha's father and Takemaru died. Got more questions about news letters?

Inuyasha's father banished the sword Sounga after his death, but in Kagome's time the sword was released from its seal. English available but you should watch it hhonorable the subtitles because there is some minor differences. If you're a seller, Fulfillment by Amazon can help you grow your business. Share your thoughts with other customers.

Share this Rating Title: Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates! I don't love, however, the way that the Instant Video version apparently only allows you to watch the dub, even though it specifically lists the Japanese voice actors in the information!

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Steven V Super Reviewer. Tomatometer Not Yet Available. With Love from the Lovely Angels — Dougram vs.

InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler | Netflix

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inuyasha swords of an honorable ruler

Browse free movies and TV series. Fear the Walking Dead: Ruker Inuyasha's father came to acquire the sword is also unknown, but it is possible jonorable not likely that he was selected to wield the sword as a means of controlling So'unga like Sesshomaru controls the spirit of the Tokijin. Disc is free of major scratches. A word of warning to you. Bay City Wars City Hunter: During what should be an ordinary ritual, Sounga is freed and returns to the past through the Bone Eater's Well.

BUT this movie shut my mouth! Swords of an Honorable Ruler " on Amazon.


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